Good Judgment comes from Experience, and Experience comes from Poor Judgment

Time for some #motivationmondays.

Ever heard of the saying “Judgment comes from Experience?”

Well the thing is it’s a matter of how you gain that experience, that will allow you to make better judgments or decisions.

And you will only be able to talk from experience if you know what works and what doesn’t.

Have you ever sought advice from an expert? How did they respond?

It would usually go something like “Well based on my experience, this is what works, and this is what doesn’t.”

How do you think they know what doesn’t work?

It’s because they have made poor judgment calls and decisions in the past, and they failed, but never gave up.

Instead, they kept on trying, and made new judgment calls and decisions, until they found out what works, and succeeded.

And from then on, they know what to do, and they are able too make good judgment calls and decisions for that particular subject matter.

Let me give you a more specific example.

Someone once asked me what is the best way to improve Customer Experience or Customer Satisfaction in a Contact Center type of business.

Inexperienced people would give shallow answers or various opinions.

“You should give more empathy, or you should do more rapport,” is what you would typically hear.

But those with experience would be able to talk about what has worked and didn’t work for them in the past, such as:

Here’s an example of what I know doesn’t work – 5 Stupid Things People Do that Impact Customer Satisfaction.

And from my experience, here are some of the things I know that work:

And if you want to learn more about how you can hire the right people for the job, here’s what you can do – The Best Way to Hire for Good Conversation Skills.

And lastly, if you want to learn how you can become good at solving CSAT problems yourself, check out – How to Become Good at Solving CSAT Problems for Contact Centers.

And that’s how an expert can help you.

How did I learn all that? Well it all started from when I learned Lean Six Sigma, and started implementing my learnings.

If you want to learn Lean Six Sigma, I will be hosting a flipped classroom session for a very limited number of students.

If you’re interested or want to learn more, reply with a comment or contact me here.