How to improve CSAT with The Recap and Closing Question technique

This is one of my favorite techniques that always yields great results when it comes to moving the needle on CSAT.

I call this The Recap and Closing Question technique. Let’s talk about how it works.

Imagine you have a customer – Vincent, who was calling to about a negative experience during his previous call.

He might go and say:

  • “First I want you to investigate why the person I am complaining about gave me a false promise. I want an email update to be sent to me regarding that.
  • Second, I want you to tell me what the situation really is, why things are not progressing based on the agreed timeline.
  • Lastly, I don’t want to go out of my way to proactively reach out to you again to follow-up. I want you to contact me at this time of the day, any day this week, to give me an update.”

Take note of what your customer said, and work on addressing those. Most importantly, do the Recap and Closing Question technique to wrap up everything that was discussed, and ensure the best chances of getting a high CSAT score.

For instance, you can recap by saying:

“Alright Vincent, to recap what we have agreed:

  1. First, we will investigate why you were given different expectations compared to what actually transpired, and we’ll send you an email regarding that.
  2. Second, I’ve explained to you the actual process, where we are currently, and what the next steps will be, and you have also agreed to the new timelines of 3 business days from today by when this should be completed.
  3. Lastly, as agreed, I will contact you 3 business days from today at 9am to give you an update on the completion status.

With that, were we able to accomplish everything you were hoping to get done in this call?”

Tip: If you have a CSAT survey that goes out at the end of the call, ask your closing question using the same keywords used in your CSAT survey.

For example, if the question in your CSAT survey asks the customer: “Have all of your concerns been resolved in the call? Yes/No.”

Then your closing question after the recap should be:

“Apart from that, have I resolved all of your concerns in today’s call?”

If the customer says “Yes,” then there is a great chance that when the survey comes, your customer will immediately recall saying “Yes” to the exact same question during the call, and would therefore stay consistent on the survey.

If you want to learn more CSAT improvement techniques applicable to just about any industry, read my article on The 4 Proven Building Blocks for Best-in-Class Customer Satisfaction.

And if you haven’t yet, download your FREE (for a limited time only) eBook – The Business Optimization Blueprint, where I show you a straightforward 5-Step Process how to transform your business and take it to the next level.

I help transform businesses and take them to the next level with my expertise in Agile, Lean Six Sigma, Operational Excellence, and Intelligent Automation. Author of The Business Optimization Blueprint.

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