How can OCR (Optical Character Recognition) become AI (Artificial Intelligence)? Here’s how.

Alright, it’s #FutureFridays and today’s topic is OCR (Optical Character Recognition) and AI (Artificial Intelligence).

OCR has been around for quite some time already, and is widely considered as mainstream technology.

OCR is simply the ability to have a machine convert text from a scanned document or image into machine readable format.

In a sense, it is a simple form of “Artificial Intelligence,” but because it has become mainstream technology already, most people no longer consider it to be a subset of AI, even though technically, it is, as it is part of Computer Vision.

How OCR really becomes AI is dependent on what you do with the machine readable data after the conversion process.

Let me show you an example of a how a company took OCR technology to the next level with AI.

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Google Translate: Travel without Fear of Language Barriers (and How to Build your own Translator!)

It’s #FutureFridays and today I’ll be talking about how the future of travel and bridging language barriers is here and now!

Have you ever had fear of traveling to certain places simply because they speak a different language unfamiliar to you?

Did you know that today, there is already a form of technology that will allow you to bridge that gap?

And if you didn’t know, all it takes is for you to install an app on your phone and you’re done.

The future of bridging language barriers is here, and it’s called Google Translate.

See the real world usage on the video below, and watch as this English-speaking guy travels to Japan using Google Translate to communicate.

He even ran across a Chinese guy, and the app allowed him to switch languages instantly to be able to communicate.

Watch the video below.

Continue reading “Google Translate: Travel without Fear of Language Barriers (and How to Build your own Translator!)”

How to Set Up and Run Hypothesis Tests (Webinar)

As promised in my previous post, here’s the webinar on How to Set Up and Run Hypothesis Tests presented by Elisabeth Swan of Go Lean Six Sigma.

This is a 1-hour advanced webinar where you will learn:

  • What are Hypothesis Tests?
  • Why do we need them in Process Improvement?
  • When should we use them?
  • How do we set up and run them?
  • And more words of advice

So without further ado, it’s time to watch and learn.

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What is Hypothesis Testing – Explained in Simple Terms?

There are 2 ways to explain Hypothesis Testing – there’s the hard and fast truth, and then there’s the slow and subtle way.

Allow me to hit you first with the hard and fast truth, before I take it slow and subtle.

For the hard and fast truth, Investopedia defines hypothesis testing as:

Hypothesis testing is used to infer the result of a hypothesis performed on sample data from a larger population. The test tells the analyst whether or not his primary hypothesis is true. Statistical analysts test a hypothesis by measuring and examining a random sample of the population being analyzed.

Now if you got lost there somewhere in that complex explanation, that’s because it is complex.

Traditional Statisticians, Data Scientists, Mathematicians, and Lean Six Sigma practicioners tend to use a lot of jargon.

But the truth is, it’s just because they know what these terms mean and it’s just part of their vocabulary when they talk to each other.

But thankfully, for the uninitiated, as well as those who are still outside of the “statistically significant” circle, there’s a slow and subtle way to explain hypothesis testing.

Allow me to break it down for you in Simple terms and give you an example.

Continue reading “What is Hypothesis Testing – Explained in Simple Terms?”


After all the feedback, responses, and inputs I got, I’m very close to finishing the long-awaited program which will be called TRAIN MY PROCESS IMPROVEMENT PERSON. I have been working on this for almost a year, and I’m planning to release it in the next few weeks.

This program will be entirely focused on how you or your process improvement person can acquire the highly-valued skillset of being able to find and solve for opportunity areas to improve, streamline, and automate areas in your business to reduce cost and increase revenue – skills that are absolutely essential in the field of Management Consulting.

It will include a private coaching community as an add-on, which will allow you to:

Continue reading “I need your help – TRAIN MY PROCESS IMPROVEMENT PERSON”

How to turn Data into Wisdom and ultimately into Success

Have you ever been in an “analysis-paralysis” situation where you have so much data you just don’t know what to do about it?

I have, and it wasn’t easy.

I have been given (more of dumped at me) 3 years worth of data for over 700 different metrics.

To make matters worse, the metric names, data types, and computations changed sometimes on a quarterly basis.

And I was tasked with the burden of solving for decision points such as:

  1. What are the pain points of the business?
  2. Which ones are controllable, which ones are not?
  3. Which ones are leverage points or leading metrics, and which ones are outputs or lagging metrics that we can only monitor? Which ones are business metrics and which ones are operational metrics?
  4. How can we judge the health of the business at one glance?
  5. If something goes red, how do we know if action is required?
  6. If something trends red, how do we know when intervention is required?
  7. If a lot of things go red at the same time, how do we know what to solve for first, in order of priority

If I did not have the knowledge and experience of doing data analysis, it would have felt as if I was left for dead.

Continue reading “How to turn Data into Wisdom and ultimately into Success”

How I went from getting Stuck in the Elevator to showing you How to Become a Celebrity Authority!

I accompanied my wife to the doctor the other day for a routine check up.

The problem was that the hospital parking lot was completely full. Since it was a scheduled appointment, I had to drop her off while I waited for a basement parking slot.

When I was finally able to park at basement 5, I locked the car then went to take the elevator. I was greeted by a uniformed attendant in charge of manning the elevator, who asked me which floor I’m going to.

“Ground floor please” I asked, and the attendant acknowledged.

As we went up, we were later joined by 3 more people as the elevator stopped at basement 4.

Suddenly, the unthinkable happened – IT STOPPED to a COMPLETE HALT between basement 2 and 3.

Continue reading “How I went from getting Stuck in the Elevator to showing you How to Become a Celebrity Authority!”