How to turn Data into Wisdom and ultimately into Success

Have you ever been in an “analysis-paralysis” situation where you have so much data you just don’t know what to do about it?

I have, and it wasn’t easy.

I have been given (more of dumped at me) 3 years worth of data for over 700 different metrics.

To make matters worse, the metric names, data types, and computations changed sometimes on a quarterly basis.

And I was tasked with the burden of solving for decision points such as:

  1. What are the pain points of the business?
  2. Which ones are controllable, which ones are not?
  3. Which ones are leverage points or leading metrics, and which ones are outputs or lagging metrics that we can only monitor? Which ones are business metrics and which ones are operational metrics?
  4. How can we judge the health of the business at one glance?
  5. If something goes red, how do we know if action is required?
  6. If something trends red, how do we know when intervention is required?
  7. If a lot of things go red at the same time, how do we know what to solve for first, in order of priority

If I did not have the knowledge and experience of doing data analysis, it would have felt as if I was left for dead.

Fortunately, I have the experience of being asked to solve problems when given a data set. So I got to solve this problem accordingly.

I won’t bother boring you with the details, as that has actually become a regular occurrence for me already.

Nowadays, I eat data for breakfast. I mean that as a metaphor of course.

You see, the thing is, when you consume data, and make some sense out of it, it then becomes information.

The more information you have, the more knowledge you gain.

However, it is the act of performing the implementation that sets the big dogs apart from the crowd. Because the more action you take, the more experience you gain.

Without implementation, knowledge remains as it is – just knowledge. It can never turn into experience.

And from experience comes wisdom – and that is knowing what works and what doesn’t.

In summary:

  • Data + Analysis = Information
  • Information2 = Knowledge
  • Knowledge + Implementation = Experience
  • Experience2 = Wisdom

More often than not, it’s those with the highest level of wisdom that are the most successful people you will ever meet.

Want to learn new things that will help take your career and your business to the next level? You can learn high-income skills such as Data Science and Lean Six Sigma at

But whatever you will learn in those courses is only the beginning. Because without implementation, all those learnings will only remain as knowledge. Nothing more.

You’re wiser than that. So take action today!

I help transform businesses and take them to the next level with my expertise in Agile, Lean Six Sigma, Operational Excellence, and Intelligent Automation. Author of The Business Optimization Blueprint.

2 Replies to “How to turn Data into Wisdom and ultimately into Success”

What did you learn that apples to you? What will you implement moving forward?