You Won’t Believe what Dale and Tracey said about the Online Green Belt Course at GoLeanSixSigma

Yesterday, I shared how I learned my core skillset – Lean Six Sigma.

This is the skill that allowed me to broaden my mindset and branch out to learn and gain experience in various other Continuous Process Improvement related skills, including automation, and even Artificial Intelligence, which I’ve been posting a lot about lately.

I truly believe that this skillset is foundational for you to be able to look at business processes in a way that no one else in your company has seen before.

And this will definitely open up so many doors in your career, as it has for me, and you will be known as the one who can make things done.

Without this skillset, I don’t think I could have achieved the same level of success as I have now.

And for today’s #transformationtuesdays, apart from what I have just shared with you regarding how this has transformed my life and my career, I’d like to share with you 2 more from people just like you – Tracey and Dale.

Like you, they’ve researched about how they can get themselves Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Certified for them to take their career to the next level.

They’ve also looked at several other options and providers, both in-classroom and online, and have weighed the pros and cons of each. And have even experienced some of these trainings, only to end up either more confused, overwhelmed, or constrained by time.

But in the end, you won’t believe what they had to say about’s Online Green Belt Training and Certification course.

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Good Judgment comes from Experience, and Experience comes from Poor Judgment

Time for some #motivationmondays.

Ever heard of the saying “Judgment comes from Experience?”

Well the thing is it’s a matter of how you gain that experience, that will allow you to make better judgments or decisions.

And you will only be able to talk from experience if you know what works and what doesn’t.

Have you ever sought advice from an expert? How did they respond?

It would usually go something like “Well based on my experience, this is what works, and this is what doesn’t.”

How do you think they know what doesn’t work?

It’s because they have made poor judgment calls and decisions in the past, and they failed, but never gave up.

Instead, they kept on trying, and made new judgment calls and decisions, until they found out what works, and succeeded.

And from then on, they know what to do, and they are able too make good judgment calls and decisions for that particular subject matter.

Let me give you a more specific example.

Someone once asked me what is the best way to improve Customer Experience or Customer Satisfaction in a Contact Center type of business.

Inexperienced people would give shallow answers or various opinions.

“You should give more empathy, or you should do more rapport,” is what you would typically hear.

But those with experience would be able to talk about what has worked and didn’t work for them in the past, such as:

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Who else does this to Stay Motivated?

For #thankfulthursdays I would like to give gratitude to John Lee for reminding me about setting short, medium, and long term goals.

It’s about breaking-down your long-term goals into medium-term milestones, and further on until your baby step goals.

That way, you can keep getting constant feedback to ensure you’re going in the right direction, or if you need to make course corrections as early as possible.

I won’t say more as I would not want to water-down John’s message, so I would prefer you hear it straight from him.

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RPA vs AI: What’s the Difference?

For today’s #wisdomwednesdays I’ll talk about the difference between Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and Artificial Intelligence (AI).

In a sense, they can both be categorized as forms of software automation. But the major difference is their purpose.

The short explanation is that RPA is used to automate repetitive rules-based tasks, such as repetitive clicks and keystrokes, copying and pasting, if-then types of processes.

On the other hand, AI is used to automate tasks that require judgment, such as reading unstructured documents, identifying patterns, making decisions based on what you see in photos, or getting context based on what you hear in conversations.

Read on to find out the long explanation as well as some examples. This will also touch on Machine Learning.

Continue reading “RPA vs AI: What’s the Difference?”

Turn Your Car into a 600hp Electric Vehicle in 2020

For today’s #futurefridays, the car enthusiast in me has its juices flowing.

With all they hype about the new Cybertruck, people either love it or hate it. And the hate is mostly about the design.

So what if you can pick any car you want, based on how you like the design, and then just make it go electric. Wouldn’t that be awesome?

That’s exactly what the wizards at Stard Advanced Research and Development in Austria have done.

And it’s going to go full swing in 2020 racing at the World Rallycross Championship.

Imagine having the power to go 0-60 in 1.8 seconds. That’s faster than an F1 car!

The kit that they’ve developed has an all-wheel-drive drivetrain powered by 3 electric motors – 1 in front and 3 at the back, giving the car a total of 600hp, and a staggering 1100N-m of torque instantly available within 1 millisecond.

Even private teams can build their own electric rallycross cars based on the kit technology and the technical systems provided by Stard for a full and practical integration into these cars.

Check out the video. If you’re a true car guy, it’s going to be one of the best 4 minutes and 17 seconds of your life. You’ll thank me later.

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3 Tips How to Solve for Problems Before they even Happen

For #wisdomwendesdays I’m sharing some quick tips that will be helpful, especially for process improvement professionals growing a team or have frequent organizational changes.

You know when you’ve been working with a client for at least year or two, and then there are so many changes in their organization happening, perhaps due to growth, movement, or restructuring?

Often times you’ll be assigned to work with new faces. And usually they are either younger in age, or have less tenure than the previous people you were working with.

While your clients may say that it’s for the better, or that it’s good to have a fresh set of eyes, even though I agree to that, it does present itself with a challenge.

The challenge with having new people in the organization is that the

History usually repeats itself. So find pain points based on history.

Read on as I share 3 quick tips to allow you to work with new team members and alleviate this challenge.

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It’s Better to Take Action and Fail than to Fail at Taking Action

For #motivationmondays, let’s go back to your childhood.

Have you ever been a child?

I’m sure you have. That’s a rhetorical question.

The reason why I’m saying this is because as a child, there was a time when you had to learn how to walk, talk, and even learn new skills such as how to ride a bike.

Now before you learned any of those skills, how many times did you fail and try again?

That’s right, a LOT of times.

You see, failure is part of success. You have to fail first so you can learn from it, and understand how to do it better next time.

It’s Better to Take Action and Fail than to Fail at Taking Action.


Reply with a comment to share your own thoughts. I’d love to hear from you.

If you want to find out what I think, then read on.

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Choose: (1) Build It and They Will Come, or (2) People Adapt to What They Helped Build?

For today’s #wisdomwednesdays, you gotta choose which statement makes more sense to you:

  1. “Build it and they will come” or
  2. “People adapt to what they helped build”

Think of a scenario in your your past when you tried to deploy initiatives that you think would benefit a lot of people.

Which strategy worked best?

The one where you built it, and then tried to push it to market? How did that go? Did they love it immediately soon as they saw it? Did they thank you for creating such a wonderful product or service?

Or did the strategy where you involved your audience in creating it work better for you?

If you’d want to find out what worked in my experience, then read on.

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How to Become Good at Solving CSAT Problems for Contact Centers

It’s #wisdomwendesdays so it’s time to share some of my knowledge.

If you’ve ever been tasked to solve Customer Satisfaction or Customer Experience problems for Contact Center Operations, didn’t you ever wish there was some sort of industry standards document that you can refer to and see what the rest of the industry is doing, what standards they are implementing in terms of stuff like metrics, forecasting, performance management, and so forth?

Well, lo and behold, there is one. And this will be a great starting point and reference for you to be able to solve Customer Experience related problems.

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Automating Invoice Processing via OCR, RPA, and Machine Learning (Use Case)

Alright it’s #transformationtuesdays so here’s another use case for you, this time regarding Automation.

Invoice processing is a fairly common task done by small, medium, and large business alike.

It is also one of the tasks that takes a lot of effort to do, despite being very repetitive and rules-based.

In this use case video, you’ll see how the following technologies have been used altogether to automate the tasks involved in invoice processing:

  1. OCR (Optical Character Recognition) to convert the scanned documents or images into machine-readable format
  2. A Machine Learning algorithm to learn how to recognize patterns and keep improving the automation
  3. Note that exceptions that the automation cannot understand will go to humans for processing, which will then also be fed into the Machine Learning algorithm to teach it how to recognize those patterns moving forward
  4. Finally, RPA (Robotic Process Automation) to complete the remainder of the rules-based process such as transfer the information into various systems

Continue reading “Automating Invoice Processing via OCR, RPA, and Machine Learning (Use Case)”