Who else does this to Stay Motivated?

For #thankfulthursdays I would like to give gratitude to John Lee for reminding me about setting short, medium, and long term goals.

It’s about breaking-down your long-term goals into medium-term milestones, and further on until your baby step goals.

That way, you can keep getting constant feedback to ensure you’re going in the right direction, or if you need to make course corrections as early as possible.

I won’t say more as I would not want to water-down John’s message, so I would prefer you hear it straight from him.

I hope this helped you as much as it did me.

If you want more of these, subscribe for updates and get a free (for a limited time only) copy of my e-book, The Business Optimization Blueprint – A simple 5-step process to Transforming your Business to take it to the next level.

I help transform businesses and take them to the next level with my expertise in Agile, Lean Six Sigma, Operational Excellence, and Intelligent Automation. Author of The Business Optimization Blueprint.

What did you learn that apples to you? What will you implement moving forward?