The Benefits of Agile Transformation at Barclays Bank (Use Case)

It’s #transformationtuesdays once again and today we’re talking about Agile Transformation in one of the most regulated industries in the world – banking.

Here you’ll see some use cases talking about how Barclays Bank went Agile, and by doing so, achieved benefits such as:

  • A 300% increase in throughput
  • 50% reducuction in code complexity
  • Less production incidents
  • Shorter deployment cycles (every 0-4 weeks)
  • Happier teams

Read on to see what Barclays has done to address some of the challenges.

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Automating Invoice Processing via OCR, RPA, and Machine Learning (Use Case)

Alright it’s #transformationtuesdays so here’s another use case for you, this time regarding Automation.

Invoice processing is a fairly common task done by small, medium, and large business alike.

It is also one of the tasks that takes a lot of effort to do, despite being very repetitive and rules-based.

In this use case video, you’ll see how the following technologies have been used altogether to automate the tasks involved in invoice processing:

  1. OCR (Optical Character Recognition) to convert the scanned documents or images into machine-readable format
  2. A Machine Learning algorithm to learn how to recognize patterns and keep improving the automation
  3. Note that exceptions that the automation cannot understand will go to humans for processing, which will then also be fed into the Machine Learning algorithm to teach it how to recognize those patterns moving forward
  4. Finally, RPA (Robotic Process Automation) to complete the remainder of the rules-based process such as transfer the information into various systems

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