If You Improve Yourself by just 1% Every Day, How Much Better will You Be in a Year?

For #motivationmondays, do you know how much better you’ll be in a year, if you improve yourself by just 1% each day?

It’s going to look like this:

  • Day 0: 100% status quo
  • Day 1: 101%
  • Day 7: 107.2%
  • Day 30: 135%
  • Day 90: 244%
  • Day 365: 3778% of whopping exponential improvement!

What does this mean?

Sometimes, you don’t have to immediately strive for that 3778% end goal.

Break it down into smaller milestones, and set your sights on daily improvement goals.

That way, all you have to focus on is that 1% improvement each and every day.

That’s a way simple goal to strive for compared to looking at an overwhelming 3778% improvement in a year, don’t you think?

Like for me, my 1% daily goal is to produce 1 piece of content for you each and every working day. And I hope it’s something you find value in. If you do, then subscribe for updates, and as a gift, you’ll get a free (for a limited time only) copy of my book – The Business Optimization Blueprint, so you can start working on improving your processes by 1% every day.

How about you, what’s the 1% improvement you’re looking to do everyday?

Reply with a comment. I would love to hear from you.

What did you learn that apples to you? What will you implement moving forward?