Humility is Not Thinking Less of Yourself, but Thinking of Yourself Less

Humility is Not Thinking Less of Yourself, but Thinking of Yourself Less. There’s a difference.

This is my share for #motivationmondays.

Let me give you some specific examples.

Why are there people who are very wealthy, and at the same time are considered to be very kind-hearted, generous, and loved?

Now aren’t there also wealthy people who are considered to be cruel, cold-hearted, and lonely?

Similarly, there are people who aren’t financially wealthy, yet are considered to be very kind-hearted, generous, and loved.

At the same time there are people who aren’t financially wealthy, and are considered to be cruel, cold-hearted, and lonely.

You see, financial capability has nothing to do with having the ability to be kind-hearted and generous.

The only common denominator is Humility. And it’s not about thinking less of yourself, but rather, thinking of yourself less, and more of how you can be of value to others.

If anything, financial capability will only amplify your ability to give value to others.

Would you agree? Share your thoughts in the comments.

What did you learn that apples to you? What will you implement moving forward?