How Jamen went from Zero Experience to becoming a Data Scientist (Success Story)

It’s #transformationtuesdays where I share use cases and success stories that you can learn from, and replicate too!

If your dream is to become a Data Scientist, and you’re wondering what you need to do, and what it would take to break into one of the most sought-after jobs of the future, then this article is for you.

Today, I’m sharing the success story of Jamen Long, and how he broke into his career as a Data Scientist.

And like you, he started with zero experience.

If you’re interested to find out exactly what Jamen did, then read on.

Don’t get me wrong. He did have work experience, though his background was quite different.

But the thing is, he really wanted to take the leap and jump into a career as a Data Scientist.

He knew he needed to learn stuff like R, Python, and SQL to get started. He did some research and took some online courses, but he didn’t really feel like they were allowing him to progress logically with a step-by-step path.

That is, until he found out about DataCamp.

From then on, his focus and direction became clear. And even starting out as a beginner, he was able to make steady, meaningful progress.

“DataCamp was essential for getting my job, which was my break into data science.” – Jamen Long

DataCamp is brilliant in such a way that you can learn it today, then apply it tomorrow.

In fact, Jamen is now a Data Scientist at Westfield Labs in San Francisco, thanks to the fact that he was able to leverage on DataCamp to acquire the skills needed to break into this career.

I’m sure you’re very curious right now, especially if you read up to this point. So I won’t delay you any further. You can read the full story by clicking on the link below.

Jamen Long’s Data Scientist Success Story

I hope you found value and inapiration in this success story.

Now if you’re interested in building a career as a Data Scientist, then here’s how you can take action:

  • Visit DataCamp to start learning Data Science today! Heck, you can even start learning for free! Learn it today, apply it tomorrow.
  • If you haven’t yet, download a copy of my book for FREE (for a limited time only) – The Business Optimization Blueprint, and learn how you can improve your business process and take it to the next level. I talk about practical uses of Data Science in business in Chapter 3.

I help transform businesses and take them to the next level with my expertise in Agile, Lean Six Sigma, Operational Excellence, and Intelligent Automation. Author of The Business Optimization Blueprint.

What did you learn that apples to you? What will you implement moving forward?