How I learned Revenue Generation Techniques for Continuous Process Improvement

It’s #thankfulthursdays so I would like to give gratitude to someone who has taught me the skill of Revenue Generation.

And that person is none other than Jay Abraham.

You see, in the world of continuous process improvement, at least in my experience doing this for over a decade, most opportunities are almost always about reducing cost.

But you have to remember that in business, the formula for profit is:

Profit = Revenue – Cost

That means if you’re only working on reducing cost, you are only looking at half of the equation.

Moreover, in reducing cost, you will aways be bound by a limitation – you can only reduce cost down to zero. No more than that.

Whereas if you look at improving revenue, it is virtually limitless, as there is no real ceiling on how much more revenue a business can achieve.

Jay Abraham’s background comes from learning directly from who is known as the father of continuous process improvement – William Edwards Deming.

And what Jay Abraham did was to take those learnings, improve on them, and also to apply them to the revenue generation side of the business.

I learned many things from Jay Abraham. One of the things I like is the way he takes continuous process improvement methodologies and terminologies and translates them into a language understandable by business owners and entrepreneurs.

But perhaps my biggest learning from Jay Abraham was where I found that there are only 3 ways to increase revenue for any business.

3 Ways to Increase Revenue

  1. Increase the number of clients
  2. Increase the price at which they buy
  3. Increase the frequency of purchase

If you think about it, this totally makes sense. I’ve tried to nitpick these but then I couldn’t think of any other way.

Jay Abraham is like that in the way that he formulates his strategies. And we’ll go into detail about that in the presentation below, which talks about Jay Abraham’s Power Parthenon Strategy for Geometric Business Growth.

Here, he talks about how you can leverage on the combining the power of the 3 ways to generate more revenue in order for you to have multiple pillars or sources of revenue to support and grow your business.

Enjoy! And hope you find value in this.

Jay Abraham’s Power Parthenon Strategy for Geometric Business Growth

I help transform businesses and take them to the next level with my expertise in Agile, Lean Six Sigma, Operational Excellence, and Intelligent Automation. Author of The Business Optimization Blueprint.

What did you learn that apples to you? What will you implement moving forward?