Every Experiment is a Success IF You Learn from it!

It’s #motivationmondays!

Remember when you were a child? The world seemed so huge! And every time you laid eyes on something new, curiosity got the best of you.

You want to touch everything, feel the texture, put things on your mouth, find out what it tastes like, and when you grew a little older you start trying to stand up and walk instead of just crawl.

Did you learn all that the first time around? Of course not. You had to experiment until you got it right, and you kept experimenting until you were able to run, until you could ride a bike, until you could drive a car.

You learned all these new skill through a lot of experiments, and you got good at it because you kept learning something new.

But why is it that now that you’re older, you are afraid of failure? Why are you afraid of rejection? Why are you afraid of losing?

Remember, Every Experiment is a Success IF You Learn from it!

So if you’ve been holding back from learning that new skill, what are you so afraid of?

It’s time to become a better version of you.

And if you’ve been wanting to get that Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Certification, now is the time.

In a few days, we’ll be kicking off the Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Flipped Classroom Training. You wouldn’t want to miss this.

Click here for details.

What did you learn that apples to you? What will you implement moving forward?