TRUE or FALSE: Process Improvement Skills = Life Skills

When you live and breathe continuous process improvement, you’ll start to realize that it creeps into your life such that whatever you do, you’re trying to make it better.

You’ll find that you’re constantly looking to fix things that bug you.

You learn how to “see the waste” which are things that are being taught in the Lean Methodology under the acronym DOWNTIME:

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How to Reduce Underwriting Resubmits by Over 20% using Lean Six Sigma (Use Case)

Imagine a Financial Institution where in the Commercial Loan Group, it takes anywhere from 6 to 16 hours to put together a Loan Underwriting Package. Seems very tedious as it is already, right?

Now what if I told you that more than half (55%) of the submissions have to go back to the beginning of the process to be resubmitted and reworked once again, for whatever reason. Do you think it’s a healthy process?

Obviously not.

That’s exactly the situation that Tyson was facing when he started this Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Project.

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How to Reduce your Electricity Bill by 35% using Lean Six Sigma (Use Case)

Some people think Lean Six Sigma is such a complicated thing that just hearing about it already feels overwhelming.

Well I’m here to tell you that it’s not.

In fact, it’s nothing but a methodology, a way of thinking that will allow you to take your problem solving skills to the next level.

And in a lot of cases, it can even be used to solve the most mundane problems, such as reducing your electricity bill.

In this use case, you’ll see an actual project that shows how monthly electricity cost was reduced by 35% using Lean Six Sigma.

You’ll be surprised that it’s not through drastic means, such as switching to solar power or other means of renewable energy.

All improvement actions were simply based on ease of implementation and return on investment.

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How to Get Promoted when you were supposed to be Laid-off

This is John. When I started working with him, he was a AVP.

The problem he was faced with at that time is that his department head had asked him to find a way to serve increasing customer demand, while complying with the company directive of cutting down on costs.

If you’re in the service industry, you know what the main driver of cost is – people. So seriously, if you read between the lines, he was being asked by the company to reduce staff, or at the very least, be able to take on then increasing influx of customer demand without having to hire more resources for it.

To make matters worse, the company had a global directive to reduce the number of layers in management. Essentially, they were being asked to redundate the AVP position. All Managers are supposed to report to a Vice President.

With John being an AVP, it was like a double-edged sword. It’s like he was being asked to do something for the benefit company but at his expense.

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The Secret in the WHY that increases your Market Value

What if there was a secret formula to increasing your Market Value?

This a question I asked myself when I was in the early stages of my career.

Like you, I was always seeking ways to improve quality of life – for myself and my family. I wanted a better life. If other people can do it, so can I.

I’m sure you have huge goals too. Who doesn’t right? Whether that’s success, money, relationships, spirituality, self-fulfillment, cars, watches, shoes, bags, houses, travel, the ability to give back and help others, change the world, world peace, whatever it is, we all want to find our purpose and meaning in life.

But do you know what it is that separates the people who achieve their hopes, dreams, and aspirations, from those who do not?

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After all the feedback, responses, and inputs I got, I’m very close to finishing the long-awaited program which will be called TRAIN MY PROCESS IMPROVEMENT PERSON. I have been working on this for almost a year, and I’m planning to release it in the next few weeks.

This program will be entirely focused on how you or your process improvement person can acquire the highly-valued skillset of being able to find and solve for opportunity areas to improve, streamline, and automate areas in your business to reduce cost and increase revenue – skills that are absolutely essential in the field of Management Consulting.

It will include a private coaching community as an add-on, which will allow you to:

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I have a Favor to ask – a study on LSS

Ever wanted to be Lean Six Sigma certified to get that edge for you to progress in your career?

I want to know, WHAT IS THE #1 THING STOPPING YOU from getting it? Is it time? Money? Or maybe you want this for your team but not for you? Or it was some other training that you really wanted?

Seriously, I would like for this study to help change the world. But I need your help by letting me know.

Reply with a comment.

How to deploy Lean Six Sigma in your organization

A question I was recently asked was on how to deploy Lean Six Sigma in a business.

The question goes:

Hi, I want to ask how you developed lean six sigma to your companies. We’re looking at how we’ll do this by first conducting orientations, then an executive coaching of what lean six sigma is, and as well having our managers get certified with green belt. I want to ask if having a project management plan and filling in PMP templates are necessary. Likewise, what were the activities that you did to buy the org’s buy in, what were your pains on implementing six sigma, and any pointers and tips you may share. Thanks!

One challenge we’re facing is how to identify projects “worthy” of the DMAIC approach since everything seems to be in the green light. Considering the product offered, we may only be able to apply LSS in our support services. These all boils down to our greatest risk, which is low buy in gr the org.

This is actually a common problem faced by many employees, especially in corporate environments.

The typical scenario is where you have people in lower to middle management who appreciate the Lean Six Sigma methodology, but don’t have the buy-in of the senior leadership team. Typical organizational bureaucracy.

In my experience having worked with various types of businesses specific to the servicing industry, I can talk about some of the challenges I have encountered in deploying continuous process improvement as a whole, inclusive of Lean Six Sigma.

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