How to Become Good at Solving CSAT Problems for Contact Centers

It’s #wisdomwendesdays so it’s time to share some of my knowledge.

If you’ve ever been tasked to solve Customer Satisfaction or Customer Experience problems for Contact Center Operations, didn’t you ever wish there was some sort of industry standards document that you can refer to and see what the rest of the industry is doing, what standards they are implementing in terms of stuff like metrics, forecasting, performance management, and so forth?

Well, lo and behold, there is one. And this will be a great starting point and reference for you to be able to solve Customer Experience related problems.

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How to Respond Positively and Make Suggestions when someone gives Stupid Ideas

It’s #wisdomwendesdays and it’s time to share something I learned.

Have you ever been in a situation where someone presents you with an idea, and you just don’t know whether you’re going to laugh or cry at how dumb or stupid the idea is?

Yeah, we’ve all had that.

And our challenge, as leaders, is how to respond to that in a way that will not be demeaning to the people, so they will not be discouraged from coming up with other, hopefully better, ideas.

There’s a simple 3-step method I would like to share with you called the LCS technique.

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Future of Learning: The Flipped Classroom

For today’s #FutureFridays topic, we talk about the Future of Learning – The Flipped Classroom.

Traditional Classroom

Have you ever been bored sitting in a classroom?

Then all the instructor does is blabber on about the theoretical stuff, and then you thought that it’s probably been the same material being used over and over again across different classes?

Have you ever found it challenging that when you get off class and do homework, you have to do it all alone by yourself, with no one to guide you?

Is there a better way?

Now, have you ever wondered if there’s a better way to learn where it won’t have to be so boring?

And that when you go and do homework, did you ever wish you could just solve for the homework with the rest of the class, guided by the instructor, instead of having to do it all by yourself?

If you answered yes to the above questions, then a Flipped Classroom setting is the right kind of learning style for you.

Continue reading “Future of Learning: The Flipped Classroom”

How a Family reduced their Carbon Footprint using Lean Six Sigma (Use Case)

In this Use Case, you’ll see how Lean Six Sigma works not just in your professional life but in family life too!

Read on to learn how this family reduced their Household Carbon Footprint by 7%, so that you too can contribute to help the environment, and gain insights on the activities that result in carbon emissions.

Continue reading “How a Family reduced their Carbon Footprint using Lean Six Sigma (Use Case)”

How to Set Up and Run Hypothesis Tests (Webinar)

As promised in my previous post, here’s the webinar on How to Set Up and Run Hypothesis Tests presented by Elisabeth Swan of Go Lean Six Sigma.

This is a 1-hour advanced webinar where you will learn:

  • What are Hypothesis Tests?
  • Why do we need them in Process Improvement?
  • When should we use them?
  • How do we set up and run them?
  • And more words of advice

So without further ado, it’s time to watch and learn.

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What is Hypothesis Testing – Explained in Simple Terms?

There are 2 ways to explain Hypothesis Testing – there’s the hard and fast truth, and then there’s the slow and subtle way.

Allow me to hit you first with the hard and fast truth, before I take it slow and subtle.

For the hard and fast truth, Investopedia defines hypothesis testing as:

Hypothesis testing is used to infer the result of a hypothesis performed on sample data from a larger population. The test tells the analyst whether or not his primary hypothesis is true. Statistical analysts test a hypothesis by measuring and examining a random sample of the population being analyzed.

Now if you got lost there somewhere in that complex explanation, that’s because it is complex.

Traditional Statisticians, Data Scientists, Mathematicians, and Lean Six Sigma practicioners tend to use a lot of jargon.

But the truth is, it’s just because they know what these terms mean and it’s just part of their vocabulary when they talk to each other.

But thankfully, for the uninitiated, as well as those who are still outside of the “statistically significant” circle, there’s a slow and subtle way to explain hypothesis testing.

Allow me to break it down for you in Simple terms and give you an example.

Continue reading “What is Hypothesis Testing – Explained in Simple Terms?”