When they say your Idea is Stupid – Learn how Stan Lee pitched Spiderman

Did you know that when Stan Lee first came up with Spiderman, he publisher told him that it was a stupid idea?

Watch the video below to see Stan Lee sharing the full story.

Remember, just because someone said your idea is stupid, it doesn’t mean that it’s wrong.

The same is true in Design Thinking. There’s a time for divergent thinking as well as for convergent thinking.

When brainstorming for ideas, it’s when you’re on divergent thinking mode. No such thing as wrong or stupi ideas, it’s just all about exploring possibilities.

After which, it’s time for convergent thinking to zoom-in and make choices.

Without further ado, watch Stan Lee’s video below. This is my share for today’s #motivationmondays.

And if you want to learn Design Thinking, click here for details.


I help transform businesses and take them to the next level with my expertise in Agile, Lean Six Sigma, Operational Excellence, and Intelligent Automation. Author of The Business Optimization Blueprint.

What did you learn that apples to you? What will you implement moving forward?