The Secret in the WHY that increases your Market Value

What if there was a secret formula to increasing your Market Value?

This a question I asked myself when I was in the early stages of my career.

Like you, I was always seeking ways to improve quality of life – for myself and my family. I wanted a better life. If other people can do it, so can I.

I’m sure you have huge goals too. Who doesn’t right? Whether that’s success, money, relationships, spirituality, self-fulfillment, cars, watches, shoes, bags, houses, travel, the ability to give back and help others, change the world, world peace, whatever it is, we all want to find our purpose and meaning in life.

But do you know what it is that separates the people who achieve their hopes, dreams, and aspirations, from those who do not?

The secret is in the “WHY.”

The most successful people in the world have a clear reason, a driving force that motivates them to achieve their goals. They know WHY they should strive hard and hustle.

For example, when Mark Zuckerberg was asked WHY he created Facebook, he said he wasn’t really looking into building a company. He was just trying to connect people at colleges and schools.

He said that at that time, you could find music, news, and information on the internet, but not about people whom you cared about, which is actually more important. So he created Facebook.

Another great example is Sir Richard Branson, and how he created Virgin Airlines.

His first ever flight was actually on a chartered private plane that he rented. But his real WHY wasn’t to build a huge airline company.

His real WHY was because he was going to meet a beautiful lady in the British Virgin Islands, but his flight got cancelled at the last minute as he, along with the other passengers, were told that there weren’t enough passengers to warrant the flight.

Out of frustration, he decided to hire a private plane, but not having enough money, he got a blackboard and wrote “Virgin Airlines $39 one-way to BVI” and went to the rest of the passengers affected by the cancelled flight, and that filled his first plane.

Having a strong WHY will be a driving force in creating a clear action plan to resolve it.

And in Lean Six Sigma, there’s a method to finding out the real WHY – it’s called the 5-WHYs.

How it works is you simply ask WHY at least 5 times, until you can’t go any further. By that time, more often than not, you will have arrived at the actual root cause.

Others get to the root cause by the 7th WHY, others by the 5th, sometimes even less. But the key thing is to ask a minimum of 5 times until you couldn’t get any further.

For example, for one of my good friends whom I have been coaching, they were struggling with getting their clients motivated enough to install their product. They already purchased it, and accepted delivery, but they weren’t getting it installed so they can use it.

  • 1st WHY: Why are your clients not getting your product installed after they purchase it and it gets delivered?
  • ANSWER: I think the client’s general managers are lazy or lack motivation to call and get it installed.
  • 2nd WHY: Why do you think the client’s general managers are lazy or lacks motivation to call and get it installed?
  • ANSWER: I think it’s only the client (business owner) who is motivated to get it installed since it’s his business. But the general managers who are employees are not. Hence, we have to allocate extra staff to do outbound calls to contact these businesses and remind them that they need to schedule the install.
  • 3rd WHY: Why do you need to do outbound calls to contact them and remind them that they need to schedule the install?
  • ANSWER: Because the install team isn’t being contacted to set it up for our clients.
  • 4th WHY: Why is the install team not being contacted to set it up for your clients?
  • ANSWER: Because the procedure is that after the client makes the purchase, and the product is delivered, they have to contact us to get it installed.
  • 5th WHY: Why does the procedure say they still have to contact you to get it installed after the product is delivered?
  • ANSWER: It’s not mandatory for us to install it. The client has to contact us again for the install.

See where this is going? You’ll find that in a lot of cases the discussion will start to narrow-down to a particular opportunity area.

The solution we came up with is to make the installation portion a mandatory part of the end-to-end purchase experience.

Think about it, if you’re the customer or client, you already paid for the product, you should expect it to be delivered and installed. Why would you have to go out of your way to contact the provider again just to get it installed? The installation should be part of the end-to-end purchase experience.

Knowing how to use the 5-WHYs will immediately change the way you find the root cause in order to solve a problem.

Implement this, and you will be taking a step forward towards increasing your Market Value by improving your chances of adding a portfolio of successful projects into your resume.

Hope you found this to be of value. Stay tuned for more!

Reply with a comment if you have any questions or clarifications.

Talk to you soon!

P.S. If you really want to supercharge how you can gain massive amounts of market value, then here’s how you can take action:

  1. Get Lean Six Sigma Certified. Go to for more information
  2. If you haven’t yet, download a copy of my book for FREE (for a limited time only) – The Business Optimization Blueprint, and learn how you can improve your business process and take it to the next level.

I help transform businesses and take them to the next level with my expertise in Agile, Lean Six Sigma, Operational Excellence, and Intelligent Automation. Author of The Business Optimization Blueprint.

What did you learn that apples to you? What will you implement moving forward?