Innovation: How the Deaf-Blind can use a Mobile Phone. Or can they?

It’s #FutureFridays and today we talk about one of the latest innovations from tech giant Samsung.

Imagine, what if you are living in this current age, but you lack the ability to see the world around you, hear the people talk to you, nor speak back to your family or loved ones.

What would your world be like?

That’s the kind of world a Deaf-Blind person lives in.

Thankfully, Samsung has come up with their latest innovation to solve this problem.

Read on to see how it works, and watch the video demo. I assure you, it won’t disappoint.

And if your eyes don’t swell in tears after watching it, you have no emotion.

The app is called Samsung Good Vibes.

It translates Morse Code into text or voice and vice versa.

If you are Deaf-Blind, you communicate using Morse Code, which is the interface you will be using on the app.

A short tap represents a dot, and a long press represents a dash.

People you are communicating with who can see and hear can receive messages and respond back via text or voice, which the app will convert into Morse Code vibrations for the Deaf-Blind to understand.

Check out the video below.

The Samsung Good Vibes App

Video ©Samsung India

Ending Note

Now of you want to learn the skillsets that will allow you to Innovate with a designer’s mindset, even if you’re not a designer, here’s how you can take action:

I help transform businesses and take them to the next level with my expertise in Agile, Lean Six Sigma, Operational Excellence, and Intelligent Automation. Author of The Business Optimization Blueprint.

What did you learn that apples to you? What will you implement moving forward?