Copy me so I don’t have to do it anymore. The Leadership Mindset for People Development.

It’s #thankfulthursdays and for today I’d like to give gratitude to Seth Godin for teaching me this.

“Copy me so I don’t have to do it anymore.” – Seth Godin

What he meant by this isn’t copy-pasting or plagiarizing content.

It’s more of let’s say you started doing things the way I do it, you adapt my best practices, make them your own, it means I have made my mark in the world and I can move on and innovate further and create new things that will be of value to the world!

If you’re a leader then I’m sure this would make sense to you. Transferring knowledge, skillsets, and developing people is what we live for.

And because I’m grateful to you for reading this, I would like to make your day by giving you some value.

Here are some options of how you can copy and acquire some of my very own skillsets.

Option 1: Download and read my book – The Business Optimization Blueprint.

Here you will learn the things I do to improve business processes.

In this book I share a simple 5-step process where you can:

  1. Document your Process
  2. Establish your Process Flow and Metrics
  3. Innovate by Design Thinking
  4. Continuous Process Improvement through Lean Six Sigma
  5. Become Agile to continuously iterate and “future-proof” your business

Note that you don’t have to try and implement everything I teach in that book.

The steps aren’t necessarily dependent. Just take what you think is applicable to what you do and start with that.

So download a copy of my book for FREE (for a limited time only) – The Business Optimization Blueprint, and learn how you can improve business processes and your skills too!

Option 2: Upskill yourself by taking my recommended courses

If you want to take specific courses related to what I think are some of the most vital skills of the future, then visit for details.

Option 3: Read my blog articles

On a daily basis I write about topics that will help you up your skills to make a better version of you.

Click on the menu of my website to see the topics such as Agile, Lean Six Sigma, Data Science, Automation, and so forth.

You can also read my daily blogs where I talk about:

Option 4: Do Nothing

Do not do anything.

Yes, thats an option too. Do absolutely nothing and just go back to how your life has been.

Status quo, no change, no new learning. You’re safe in your comfort zone.

But remember, you can’t expect a different result by just doing the same stuff over and over again.

Your call.

So, which of the 4 options will you choose? Reply with a comment. I’d love to hear from you.

I help transform businesses and take them to the next level with my expertise in Agile, Lean Six Sigma, Operational Excellence, and Intelligent Automation. Author of The Business Optimization Blueprint.

What did you learn that apples to you? What will you implement moving forward?